Suleski Transportation started as a spin-off from parent company Suleski Distribution. In the early 90's it was the boom of the super stores that caused the fast growth of SD. Giant lumber/hardware, wholesale clubs, and food stores looking for large purchases at the lowest prices enabled SD to increase its distribution. They brought in massive amounts of goods and stock and rearrange it into outgoing boxcars. The customers liked the way that boxcars on a siding could be unloaded at their convenience instead of right away when the tractor trailer showed up. This method of delivery and service increased business at a rapid rate. This caused the need for more switching at the warehouse. It couldn't be left for the Conrail road power on the daily turn.
The first piece of motive power was a MDC Big Hustler diesel switcher purchased new on November 2, 1993. We began as a subsidiary of Suleski Distribution doing their switching duties. Once other local companies saw our unit doing its daily chores we got asked to do their switching. Our location in Amesbury Massachusetts was between the Conrail lines and the Guilford Boston & Maine lines. We were located in an area that had lots of abandoned rail lines, most of which were torn up.
One can imagine the sight of a new diesel switcher plying the rails in an area that had not seen trains since the steam era. We began to talk to other local companies and show them how rail transport could aid in their growth. We made agreements with Conrail and Guilford to service our area as a short line because neither had a close yard. What had started as an equipment purchase was slowly snowballing into a separate company with a fledgling short line.
If you are interested in reading more of The History of Suleski Transportation, Inc. which has been written like a journal since 1994 with pictures - please click here.
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